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高研院讲坛第150讲---Prof. RALPH P. MASON
来源:澳门十大网赌信誉网址大全 摄影: 点击数:  发布时间:2016-07-14

题  目:Optical imaging as part of an imaging armamentarium:

           applications to tumor pathophysiology and drug development

   报告人:Prof. RALPH P. MASON

   时  间:2016年 7月17 日(周日)下午2:30

   地  点:高等研究院13楼报告厅(建工楼B1301)

【报告人简介】 Prof Mason obtained Bachelor Degree in Cambridge University in 1983, and become assistant professor in UTSW in 1989. Dr. Mason is expert in cancer imaging and development of prognostic imaging biomarkers. He is Director of the Cancer Imaging Program at UT Southwestern with over 25 years’ experience in cancer imaging, therapy, and tumor pathophysiology. Now he is a Professor of Radiology and member of the Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center. He serves on faculty of graduate programs in Biomedical Engineering, Molecular Biophysics and Cancer Biology. Dr. Mason and his research team have been supported for many years by NCI, DOD breast and prostate cancer initiatives, various foundations He has published 140 peer reviewed publications and 17 book chapters. He is a member of International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (serving as Chair of MR or Cancer study group in 2015-16), the Radiation Research Society and Society of Molecular Imaging. He was elected fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry, FRSC, C.Chem., C.CSci. in 2010.


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